A comprehensive analysis of the residential water treatment market for the Americas (Brazil, Mexico, the United States of America and Others) including market sizing, market share by competitor, drivers, restraints and market forecasts to 2023.
[Published June 2017]
Companies Featured
United States:
The Clorox Company (BRITA), Kaz (PUR), Helen of Troy, A.O. Smith Corporation, Rainsoft, Kinetico Incorporated, Culligan International Company, EcoWater Systems, Pentair plc, Amway, Hague Quality Water International, The 3M Company, Kenmore, AO Smith (AquaSana), among others.
Unilever, Water Tec de México, Industrias Mass S.A. de C.V, Grupo Rotoplas, Instapura, Amway, among others.
Lorenzetti S.A., Hoken International Company, Europa, Latina, Indústria Brasileira de Bebedouros Ltda. (IBBL), Europa, Everest, Ulfer, Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Philips), Amway, Pentair plc, The 3M Company, Filtros Sau Paulo, Águia Branca, Cerâmica Stéfani S.A. (Stefani), Cristal (Salus), among others.
Market Definition by Product:
For the purposes of this study a residential water treatment (RWT) system is defined as:
Point-of-entry (POE) systems: Point-of-entry or whole house systems treat all the water entering the home.
Point-of-use counter top (CT) systems: Counter top systems can either be placed on the kitchen counter or can be wall mounted (typically in Asia).
Point-of-use under-the-sink (UTS) systems: The UTS systems are usually placed under the kitchen sink and do not clutter the kitchen counter.
Point-of-use faucet mount (FM) systems: FM systems have small filters that go directly on the end of a faucet and are relatively easy to install. FM systems have low capacities and low flow rates as compared to pitchers and other types of water treatment systems.
Pitcher systems: These systems are also knows as jug filters in certain parts of the world. Water is filtered by gravity through a filter cartridge, mostly made up of carbon. Pitchers and faucet mount systems are cheap residential water treatment systems available to consumers.
Replacement filters: This study also covers replacement filters.
Clay systems: Ceramic water filters are an inexpensive and effective type of water filter. These systems rely on the pore size of ceramic material to filter dirt, debris, and bacteria out of water. Clay pot water filters are fabricated using terracotta and are also referred to as terracotta systems.
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