The European and the Asia Pacific Green Bonds Verification market has been gaining traction in recent years. There is a large, long-term, potential growth opportunity for stakeholders .
This growth is driven by an emphasis on renewable energy and low carbon buildings. Furthermore, demand from sectors including water treatment, waste management, land-use, adaptation and energy efficiency show growing optimism for verified green bonds during the forecast period.
This study aims to provide a detailed analysis of the European and the Asia Pacific Green Bonds Verification market along with a competitive analysis for 2017 and market forecasts to 2024.
[Published November 2018]
Inducted in 2007, the Green bond market was created with an agenda to reinvest proceeds from projects that generate environmental benefits. The stakeholders for the green bonds market are issuers, verifiers, second opinion parties, rating agencies and investors.
This study captures the following information on the European and the Asia Pacific green bonds verification market: