White Papers

Verify Markets provides short, educational papers that describe how a particular product or service addresses challenges in the market. The typical white paper is technology, product, service or market focused.
- Technology White Paper: More of an educational, thought-leading paper to illustrate the pros or cons of a particular technology. It could also tout the benefits of a solution over others currently deployed.
- Product or Service White Paper: This solution could focus on your Company’s services and benefits. The paper can include a testimonial and illustrate one of your customer's experience and highlight the features / functionality / uses / technology / strengths of using your service in various environments or applications, etc.
- Market White Paper: Focused on a particular market segment or challenge your industry is facing. A market-focused whitepaper could be used for industry promotion or challenge identification. This whitepaper will allow you to present your solution in a forum where one is not yet defined.
Whitepapers are great tools to educate customers, investors and potential partners while maintaining credibility through a third-party.